The Ultimate Guide to Buying Martha Stewart Patio Furniture: All You Need to Know

While Martha Stewart's patio furniture collection is filled with chic designs, there are a few things to consider before buying any of the pieces.

The Ultimate Guide to Buying Martha Stewart Patio Furniture: All You Need to Know
30 Nov 2023, 11:21 PM
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Choosing the Best Patio Set

Choosing the best patio set

Martha Stewart is no stranger to the world of home decorating or putting her name on a variety of products. In fact, Stewart recently partnered with outdoor furniture makers to release a collection of outdoor patio furniture. Whether you're decorating the patio to revamp your space or perfect the right shape for your backyard, the patio furniture collection contains many options from cushioned conversation sets to dining tables made from heavy-duty steel frames. According to some reviews, however, the pieces may not be as high quality as they look.

Beyond the quality of the patio pieces you may be considering, there are a number of things to keep in mind when you're looking to spruce up your outdoor patio. Are you going for a more contemporary feel? Or is your style more closely aligned with the wicker material that's typically found in more traditional patio furniture? It's also important to consider how many people may be using the furniture. Would a couple of club chairs with a small table in the middle suffice? Or would a larger sectional or full patio set be better?

Pros and cons of Stewart's patio collection

Stewart's Sunnyside Daybed

When it comes to deciding on a patio furniture set, there are a few factors to consider including the purpose of your furniture and who will be using it. Are you looking for a place to enjoy an outdoor meal with your family? Or are you planning on using the pieces for lounging? For a two-person family looking to lounge in the fresh air, a minimalistic set like Stewart's Sunnyside Daybed ($644) can quickly transform from a couch to a bed. If you plan on chatting with a few loved ones over snacks and drinks, something like the 5-Piece Conversation Set ($911) will allow you to gather a small group of friends around a fire table. If you're likely to host five people or more, then a larger set such as Stewart's Viewport Outdoor Wicker Set ($3,330) may do the trick.

You likely already know that the more pieces included in a set, the pricier. For example, a two-person daybed or loveseat will be the cheapest option for you and your partner, roommate, or friend. For more extensive options, Stewart also released larger patio sets, such as the 6-Piece Conversation Set in Orange and Grey ($3,933). Additionally, Stewart sells individual pieces that can be accumulated over time. Start with a table and two chairs, add a few more, and see where things take you.

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