Say Goodbye to Paint Odor with This Handy Product

If the smell of paint isn't your thing (maybe you get dizzy or feel nauseous), there's a product right under your sink that'll get rid of it in a snap.

Say Goodbye to Paint Odor with This Handy Product
22 Nov 2023, 03:50 PM
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Neutralize Paint Odors with Ammonia

Looking to give your home a fresh new look? Painting your walls is a great way to do it. However, the strong odor of fresh paint can be overwhelming. The culprit behind this odor is the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in paint solvents. These VOCs start evaporating as the paint dries, filling the room with an unpleasant smell.

Aside from being unpleasant, inhaling VOCs can also have negative effects on your health. It can cause headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, and watery eyes. Even if you choose a low or zero VOC paint, the smell will still be noticeable.

Fortunately, there's a simple solution to get rid of paint odors: ammonia. Ammonia is a handy product that can effectively neutralize the smell of paint. If you don't have ammonia at home, you can easily purchase a 64-ounce bottle of clear ammonia from LA's Awesome Products for under $11 on Amazon.

Ammonia as an Odor Absorber

Ammonia is a great odor absorber not because it conceals foul smells, but because it balances out the odor-smelling particles and sends them packing from your home. You don't even have to worry about pouring ammonia back into the bottle or using it around the house unnecessarily since liquid ammonia vaporizes at room temperature. All you need to do is don a pair of gloves, pour ½ cup of clear, liquid ammonia in a few bowls or dishes, and spread them around the freshly painted space to neutralize paint odors.

If the paint has a high VOC concentration and the smell lingers after a few days, refill the bowls. Throw open the doors and windows to the room to ensure it's well-ventilated. This won't just speed along the paint drying process but also help ammonia neutralize the offending scent within a few hours. However, if the weather is scalding hot or freezing, check the advised paint temperature range on the paint can before you open the doors and windows. Alternatively, you can strategically place fans along the length of the room such that the fumes move out. Remember, you shouldn't utilize the space until the smell is completely gone.