9 Compelling Reasons to Immediately Include Basil in Your Garden

Aside from being delicious, basil has many other qualities that make it worth growing in your garden. it repels pests, attracts beneficial insect, and more!

9 Compelling Reasons to Immediately Include Basil in Your Garden
18 Nov 2023, 09:37 PM
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If you're planning your backyard garden, consider adding basil to the list. Including a few plants or a whole row of this vibrant, green herb will bring endless possibilities to your garden and home. Not only does basil have medicinal properties and taste delicious in the kitchen, but it also benefits the health of your garden by managing pests and attracting helpful insects.

Being part of the mint family, basil has an earthy flavor and a refreshing aroma that can attract certain species while deterring others. However, the taste and appearance may vary slightly depending on the type of basil plant. Common varieties include sweet basil, which is commonly used for cooking, lemon basil with a citrusy flavor, and Thai basil which has a hint of licorice taste. Purple basil is also often found in nurseries and farmer's markets.

Basil: A Beneficial Herb for Bees

An important reason to cultivate basil in your garden is its positive impact on bees. While basil is commonly known for its versatility in the kitchen, it also serves as a valuable resource for these essential pollinators. Bees and other pollinating insects play a crucial role in the growth of various plants that humans rely on for food, such as apples, avocados, sugar cane, and strawberries. Unfortunately, the population of pollinators has been declining due to factors like parasites, pesticides, and loss of natural habitats. By providing basil as a food source, we can help bees combat dangerous parasites that contribute to their decline.

Discover the Benefits of African Blue Basil for Pollinators

Recent research suggests that African Blue Basil can provide even greater benefits to pollinators than sweet basil. This particular variety of basil produces dark purplish-blue leaves and flowers that attract a wide range of pollinators. The nectar and pollen from African Blue Basil create a nourishing habitat for bees in your garden. Unlike harvesting basil for culinary purposes, growing basil for bees requires allowing the plant to flower. To encourage flowering, the basil plants need warm temperatures that signal the plant to produce seeds. While most gardeners prune their basil plants regularly to prevent flowering, it is important to plant a few extra basil plants specifically intended to flower to support pollinators.

Simple Steps to Propagate Basil

Propagating basil is a straightforward process that only requires a pair of scissors and a small container of water. When your basil plant reaches a height of 5-6 inches and is producing new leaves consistently, it is the perfect time to take cuttings. Using sharp scissors or garden shears, cut a section of the stem that is 2-3 inches long. Make the cut right above two new leaves, which you will remove. Place the stems in about an inch of clean, filtered water in a leak-proof container. Clear containers are ideal as they allow sunlight to reach the stems and roots as they grow. Within a few days, you will notice the growth of spindly roots in the water. Once a strong cluster of roots has developed, you can transplant the new basil plant into damp soil, either in the ground or a pot, and enjoy a plentiful supply of basil.

Preserve Basil Easily with Drying

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If your backyard garden is not only a hobby but a way to feed your family or cut back on expensive grocery bills, basil is highly recommended. Fresh basil might not grow year-round in your climate, but the herb is extremely simple to preserve, which means you can enjoy the slightly minty, earthy flavor no matter the weather.

Sweet basil, lemon basil, and cinnamon basil are excellent options if you're planning to consume what you grow in your garden. These varieties have the best flavor for cooking and just a few plants can produce a large amount of basil in a short period of time. The trick to preserving your basil is to harvest it early in the morning when the leaves are juicy. Pinch the larger leaves off where they meet the stem and this will encourage more leaves to grow and won't damage the plant. Pay attention to the stems of your plants. If they become hard and appear woody, then the basil could have a bitter taste and may be past its prime.

After harvesting basil, you can dry the leaves for 3-4 days or in the oven, before crumbling into a fine texture. There are many options for freezing, either by adding the whole leaves to an airtight bag, or by freezing basil in cubes of olive oil to use in cooking.

Certain varieties of basil have beautiful flowers

Basil will help your tomatoes thrive

Basil might not be the first plant to come to mind when plotting your flower garden, but it's not one you want to overlook. Spotting basil in potted flower arrangements has become a more popular option, especially outside of restaurants where a few sprigs might come in handy. If pruned properly, basil can become a vibrant bush that is not only a beautiful shade of green but also fills out a pot. However, basil is an excellent option for your garden because it produces bundles of delicate white and purple flowers that will look stunning in your vegetable garden, around your patio, or scattered throughout your flower garden.

In fact, planting basil around your yard as an ornamental plant will yield wonderful results as well. For a more decorative variety of basil, consider planting African Blue basil. The leaves alone are a deep purple and green color and you can expect long stems of purple flowers to shoot up as the weather reaches its peak heat. Along with bees, these flowers are also loved by butterflies. Lemon basil plants are more likely to grow small white flowers that not only look nice in your garden but are an excellent garnish in your iced tea or cocktail. Sweet basil, which is the most commonly found basil, often grows small white flowers that appear when the temperature rises. To ensure that your basil plant produces flowers in your garden, avoid pruning the leaves and stems.

Basil will help your tomatoes thrive

Basil can repel flies in your garden and house

Basil can repel flies in your garden and house

What's better than a fresh salad with basil and ripe tomatoes? Nothing says fresh like this combination. This pairing is a no-brainer because growing basil near your tomato plants can improve the growth of the fruit and even possibly improve the flavor. Numerous studies have shown that planting basil next to or in between your tomato plants can greatly benefit their overall health. In one study, research revealed that after five months, certain properties known as allelopathics in basil had similar effects as fertilizer on the tomato plants. The fruit grew larger with the addition of basil and the germination time was faster. Finally, the roots seemed to be stronger and larger when basil was present.

This trick is simple to implement in your garden because basil and tomatoes require the same growing conditions to thrive. Both types of plants need warm temperatures, above 50 and up to 80 degrees. They also thrive in full sun, do not tolerate shade very well, and do best with moist but well-draining soil that's regularly watered. It's recommended that basil plants be grown in a row next to tomato plants. Although you can scatter groups of basil in between the tomatoes, be sure to allow for plenty of space. Certain varieties of tomatoes can grow into large plants that might overshadow basil and block out the sunlight that's needed to thrive. It's also believed that basil can deter certain insects that can be a nuisance to healthy tomato plants.

Basil is an herb that is known for its culinary uses in many different types of cuisine around the world. However, what many gardeners don't know is that basil can also be an excellent wasp repellent. This is just another one of the many reasons why you'll want to add basil to your garden ASAP.

Basil Can Attract Bugs That Eat Pests

Basil contains a component called eugenol, which is responsible for basil's spicy, strong fragrance. The eugenol oil is also responsible for repelling wasps. The presence of eugenol oil has been known to keep wasps at bay and sprays that contain the ingredient have also been used to treat wasp nests. When wasps come into contact with this oil, it confuses their senses, making it difficult for them to locate their nest or prey. In recent years, more prominent forms of eugenol oil have been used for pest control in homes and could be the answer for more natural insect repellents that don't contain harsh and dangerous chemicals. Planting basil in your garden and around the foundation of your home can help discourage wasps from setting up camp in areas where they could become a nuisance.

Basil Can Attract Bugs That Eat Pests

Basil will also benefit your garden because it will attract certain species of bugs that target unwanted pests that can harm your plants. This is another step in the companion planting process. This technique has been used for centuries and involves pairing plants to maximize their potential. This little trick is hardly any extra work, because you're bound to use up the basil as it grows.

Certain varieties of basil will attract an insect called Praying Mantis, especially African Blue Basil. Praying Mantises are not necessarily drawn to the basil leaves, as they are carnivores. They are more likely attracted to the bees and other pollinators that feast on the flowers and pollen. However, the Praying Mantis will flock to your garden if it will provide a hearty food supply. A nicely balanced garden will provide a mini ecosystem where the basil attracts beetles, bugs, and Praying Mantises. However, the predator will then eat other pests and keep your garden thriving.

Basil can distract slugs and snails from destroying your garden crops

Basil can distract slugs and snails from destroying your garden crops

Finally, this versatile herb turns out to have another equally essential role, which is to distract slugs and snails from destroying other plants in your garden. It has been well-documented that slugs and snails, common pests in gardens, have a fondness for basil. This attraction can be used to your advantage to preserve other vegetables in the garden. Especially when slugs are known for chomping their way through just about any leaves on any plant. They're not picky eaters and your garden has plenty of dark, damp places to hide, providing the perfect environment for them to thrive and feast.

Basil plants have become a savior for gardeners dealing with pesky slugs. These slimy creatures have a particular fondness for basil and tend to devour its leaves, causing harm to the plants and stunting their growth. However, gardeners have discovered a clever solution - planting basil in areas that are consistently damp. Slugs have a weakness for this herb and will choose to feast on the basil instead of other vulnerable vegetables like tomatoes and strawberries. By strategically placing basil plants adjacent to these crops, gardeners can significantly improve the chances of their garden thriving.