Ocean Unleashes Astonishing and Terrifying "World's Most Dangerous Bird"

A cassowary — a flightless bird that can grow to be as tall as an adult human — rose from the water along the shores of Australia's Bingil Bay.

Ocean Unleashes Astonishing and Terrifying "World's Most Dangerous Bird"
16 Nov 2023, 06:54 PM
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Enormous Creature Shocks Beachgoers in Bingil Bay

Beachgoers in Bingil Bay, northeastern Australia, were left stunned as an enormous creature emerged from the water and shook itself off, according to a news release by the Queensland Government.

The creature, known as a cassowary, is considered by some to be the "world's most dangerous bird". Similar in appearance to an ostrich or emu, the cassowary can grow to be as tall as a human person. It is one of three surviving species of cassowaries in the world, with the southern cassowary being the only one found in Australia. These birds are native to the tropical rainforests of northeast Queensland, Papua New Guinea, and some surrounding islands.

The southern cassowary has distinct features, including glossy black plumage, a tall brown "helmet" on its head, and a "dagger-shaped" claw on each foot. They are also Australia's heaviest bird, with females weighing up to about 165 pounds and males weighing as much as 120 pounds.

Sightings of these fascinating creatures remind us of the diverse wildlife that inhabits our planet and the importance of preserving their natural habitats.

Rare Cassowary Sighting in Bingil Bay

November 16, 2023

Cassowary swimming offshore

A rare sighting of a cassowary was reported in Bingil Bay, Australia. The sighting was initially reported by a visitor who spotted the cassowary swimming about 200 meters offshore. The visitor alerted Nikita McDowell, a campground host, who followed advice from local wildlife carers and government officials to monitor the bird until it moved on. McDowell later discovered that the cassowary had disappeared while she briefly left to make coffee.

Cassowaries are known for being shy and elusive. According to the Library of Congress, they are considered the "world's most dangerous bird" due to their power, but attacks are rare. However, if provoked, cassowaries can cause significant damage. In a tragic incident in 2019, a cassowary killed its owner on a farm in Florida. The owner was breeding cassowaries on his property.

Despite being flightless, cassowaries are strong swimmers and can run at speeds of up to 31 miles per hour on land. In Australia, the southern cassowary plays a vital role in rainforest ecosystems by spreading the seeds of rainforest trees. Some of these seeds are too large for other animals to disperse, making the cassowary an important contributor to the biodiversity of the region.

"The southern population of the southern cassowary is listed as endangered under the Nature Conservation Act 1992, and it is important that, sick injured or orphaned cassowaries are reported to QPWS," said a wildlife officer in a statement about the Bingil Bay sighting to the Queensland Government.

"The duration and reason for this animal's water excursion remain unknown, but the captured footage is truly remarkable," he commented.