Discover the Game-Changing Skirted Toilet: Revolutionizing Cleaning Effortlessly

A skirted toilet sounds like a thing your grandma has, but really, it's a word to describe a type of toilet. Learn what they are and why they're easy to clean.

Discover the Game-Changing Skirted Toilet: Revolutionizing Cleaning Effortlessly
15 Nov 2023, 06:52 PM
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Most people are probably already familiar with the inner workings of their toilets, whether they want to be or not. Unless you're on a mission to find a lost toy, there's no need to see every intricate detail. Exposed trapway toilets, with all their convolutions, are difficult to clean. This is where the skirted toilet comes in, providing a smooth and easy-to-clean covering that hides all the inner workings.

Skirted Toilets: The Innovative Upgrade for Easy Cleaning


Cleaning toilets can be a tedious and back-breaking task. That's why the introduction of skirted toilets has been a game-changer for many homeowners. Unlike traditional toilets with exposed trapways, skirted toilets offer a sleek and seamless design that covers up all the curves and contours that are typically visible. Not only do skirted toilets hide the trapway, but they also conceal the curvature of the toilet bowl itself and the floor flange. This not only improves the aesthetics of the toilet but also makes cleaning much easier.

Cleaning the skirted toilet

So, what makes cleaning skirted toilets so much easier? The cleaning itself is obviously made simpler by the flat surfaces, which eliminate the need to scrub down into angles and crevices. Skirted models also simply shed dirt more easily, and don't tend to get as dirty in the first place. All that's normally required is a quick wipe of the apron with a cloth or sponge, using the surface cleaner of your choice. You should use a dedicated sponge or rag for the toilet, avoiding cross-contamination by taking care not to clean anything else with it. Dryer sheets are actually a great tool for cleaning your toilet, and they are disposable as well.

Skirted toilet models have a distinct advantage when it comes to cleaning. Their simpler lines at the floor flange make it easier to clean the floor around the toilet. In contrast, exposed trapway toilets have more intricate shapes that intersect with the floor, creating difficult-to-clean spaces. With skirted toilets, a quick swipe of a damp mop or brush is usually all it takes to clean around the toilet, without the need to navigate tight corners and curves.