Revamp Your Bathroom Cleaning Routine with These 8 Clever Epsom Salt Hacks!

Epsom salt isn't just the key ingredient to a relaxing time in the tub; it can also help keep that bathroom clean and tidy. It's time to fix that bathroom up.

Revamp Your Bathroom Cleaning Routine with These 8 Clever Epsom Salt Hacks!
17 Mar 2024, 01:17 PM
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Discover a New Use for Epsom Salt: Cleaning Your Bathroom

Bathroom Cleaning with Epsom Salt

After a long day, nothing beats a relaxing hot bath. And if you're a fan of soaking in the tub, Epsom salt is a must-have for its stress-relieving properties. But did you know that Epsom salt can also be used to clean your entire bathroom?

Epsom salt, unlike table salt, is magnesium-based, making it a powerful cleaner for tackling issues like soap scum. Its extra scrubbing power can help loosen stubborn grime in various areas of your bathroom. Just remember that it dissolves quickly in hot water, so use it strategically to target tough build-up effectively.

From the sink to the shower, each part of your bathroom can benefit from Epsom salt's cleaning prowess. So, next time you reach for this bath essential, consider using it to give your bathroom a sparkling clean finish.

Unclog Your Toilet with Epsom Salt

Unclog Toilet with Epsom Salt

When it comes to unclogging your toilet, Epsom salt can be a game-changer. Its powerful properties can help break down blockages and clear the pipes effectively. Simply pour a generous amount of Epsom salt into the toilet bowl, let it sit for a while, and then flush it away with hot water. Say goodbye to clogged toilets with this simple yet effective solution.

When faced with a clogged toilet, the last thing anyone wants to do is deal with it. However, there's a simple solution that might already be in your bathroom: Epsom salt. This common household product has a fizzing effect that can help loosen whatever is causing the blockage. While any type of salt can work, Epsom salt tends to be the most effective. For a DIY overnight fix, mix a cup of table salt, a cup of baking soda, and 12 cups of hot water.

Simply pour about a cup of Epsom salt into the toilet bowl. If you don't have Epsom salt, bath bombs can have a similar effect. Let the magnesium sulfate react with the water, causing bubbling and fizzing. After about 20 minutes, flush with hot water to dissolve the Epsom salt and clear the blockage. Be cautious not to use boiling water, as it could damage the porcelain.

Mix a DIY toilet cleaner

Epsom salt isn't just for unclogging toilets; it can also be used to create a homemade toilet cleaner. Whether you're out of your usual cleaning product or prefer natural alternatives, this DIY cleaner is a great option. It's cost-effective and utilizes ingredients you likely already have at home. Even tough hard water stains can be tackled with Epsom salt, making it a versatile cleaning solution for your bathroom.

Revitalize Your Grout and Tile with This DIY Cleaning Solution

Grout and Tile Cleaning

If you've been neglecting your grout and tile during cleaning sessions, it's time to give them some attention. These surfaces can easily accumulate stains, making your bathroom look worn out. The porous nature of grout makes it a magnet for dirt, but there's a simple solution to refresh them.

To create an effective cleaning solution, mix one cup of Epsom salt with two tablespoons of dish soap and three cups of distilled white vinegar. For extra disinfecting power and a pleasant scent, add a few drops of lemon essential oil. Research has shown that essential oils can help reduce viral and bacterial microorganisms, enhancing the cleaning process.

After combining all the ingredients, pour the solution onto the grout and tile, allowing it to penetrate the stains for five to 10 minutes. Then, use a brush to scrub away the discoloration, revealing refreshed and clean surfaces. This DIY cleaner is gentle yet abrasive enough to tackle tough stains without damaging the grout or tile.

Don't overlook the importance of maintaining clean grout and tile in your bathroom. With this simple and natural cleaning solution, you can make these surfaces look brand new again with minimal effort.

Creating a natural tile and grout cleaner is a simple process. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a bucket. Keep Epsom salt in a separate container. Dip a sponge into the vinegar solution, squeeze out excess liquid, and press the sponge into the Epsom salt to coat it. Use the salt-covered sponge to scrub the grout, observing the stains lift away. This method works in two stages: the abrasive Epsom salt breaks up the dirt before dissolving, then the acidic vinegar further cleans the grout. Once the Epsom salt disintegrates, focus on cleaning the surrounding tiles. Rinse the area and wipe away any remaining solution.

Descale your showerhead

Hard water can lead to mineral buildup in your showerhead, affecting water flow over time. To descale it, mix one cup of Epsom salt, half a cup of baking soda, and a quarter cup of dish soap. Apply this mixture to the showerhead, scrub away the buildup with a brush or toothbrush, and wipe it clean with a damp cloth. To prevent future buildup, regularly wipe down the showerhead to keep it clean.

Clean out your drains

Regularly cleaning out your drains is essential to prevent clogs and maintain proper drainage. To create a drain cleaner, mix one cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar. Pour this mixture down the drain, let it sit for about 30 minutes, then flush it with hot water. This natural solution helps break down any buildup and keeps your drains clear.

Dealing with clogged and smelly drains can be a nightmare in any household. Most people tend to overlook their drains until they become completely blocked. However, regular cleaning and maintenance can help prevent such issues by allowing dirt to flow through smoothly before causing a buildup. Epsom salt is a versatile solution for both maintaining cleanliness and tackling existing blockages. While chemicals can be effective, some worry about the potential damage they may cause to the pipes.

To use Epsom salt for drain cleaning, start by ensuring that the salt is fully dissolvable as using non-dissolvable products can worsen the problem. Begin by pouring hot water down the drain to loosen the debris, then add a few tablespoons of Epsom salt followed by more hot water. This method helps in both cleaning and unclogging drains, but for more stubborn blockages, the process may need to be repeated multiple times. It's essential to remember that this mixture is most effective for partial clogs, and if the issue persists, it's advisable to seek professional help.

Hard water stains don't just affect the showerhead; they muck up any area of your bathroom where water regularly flows. These whitish discolorations sitting on your faucets and around your tub come from the minerals in your water. When using your sink and tub, water will inevitably cover a lot of surface area, leaving tiny drops to sit until they evaporate. Once evaporated, all that's left are the minerals, which build up over time, creating noticeable spots. Epsom salt is just the thing to freshen up your bathroom.

Mix one cup of Epsom salt, one cup of vinegar, and a small amount of dish soap (just a quick squeeze), and blend the ingredients together until you have a thick paste. Cover any areas containing mildew or hard water stains entirely and leave to soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Once the time is up, use a sponge or scrub brush to work the solution into the area until it's clean. You can also dilute this mixture with a cup or two of warm water to create a cleaning product that removes the rest of the dirt or grime from your tub and sink. You don't need to let the watered-down version sit; simply dip the sponge or rag into the mixture and scrub your sinks and tub from top to bottom. Rinse with water, and make sure to dry any wet areas completely once you're finished. 

Epsom salt is known for its effectiveness as a cleaner due to its coarseness, which allows it to tackle tough grime deeply. But can this gritty mineral be used on a glass mirror without causing scratches? When used correctly, Epsom salt won't scratch glass, but it's essential to be gentle. While there are no scientific studies on this topic, many experts agree (as mentioned on Glass Helper) that Epsom salt is a great natural ingredient for cleaning glass and mirrors.

To clean glass effectively with Epsom salt, mix equal parts of Epsom salt and baking soda with dish soap to create a thick paste. Using a clean, wet rag, apply a small amount of the mixture and gently rub it in circular motions on the glass surface. Avoid applying too much pressure as the ingredients will work to remove toothpaste droplets and soap scum. Wipe off the paste with a microfiber rag or paper towel, then dampen the cloth and go over the glass again. Allow the dissolved Epsom salt solution to sit on the surface for 10 to 15 minutes before wiping off any remaining stains, rinsing with warm water, and drying with a soft cloth or paper towel.

Cleaning the bathroom can be a daunting task, with all the mess, germs, and odors to deal with. After finishing your cleaning routine, why not create some scent bags or jars to keep your bathroom smelling fresh? Use small mesh bags, jewelry bags, or glass jars to hold a mixture that will help combat any unpleasant odors.

In a bowl, combine a two-to-one ratio of rice and Epsom salt. Add 10 to 20 drops of your preferred essential oils and mix well. Lemon is a popular choice for bathrooms due to its clean, fresh scent, while lavender can create a more calming atmosphere. Feel free to choose any essential oil that appeals to you, and even mix a few together to customize the aroma. Divide the mixture into small bags or jars and place them around your bathroom. For a decorative touch, you can also add some dried flower petals to the mix.