Boost Your Tomato Seed Germination with TikTok's Easy Hack!

Tomatoes are a beginner-friendly plant, especially if you use this simple seed starting hack from TikTok to help the germination process along.

Boost Your Tomato Seed Germination with TikTok's Easy Hack!
14 Mar 2024, 03:03 PM
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Tomatoes are a must-have in any summer garden, but getting them to grow can be a challenge. However, there's a simple trick that can help you achieve success with your tomato plants. According to a gardening tip shared on TikTok by TaDa Greenhouse, all you need to do is cover up the planted seeds with a newspaper and ensure they are kept watered. In just three days, you'll start to see your tomato plants sprouting.

It's important to keep the seeds warm during the germination process. You can place your seed trays on a heat mat in a dark area until the seedlings appear. Once they start to grow, make sure they receive plenty of sunlight to prevent them from becoming leggy and pale. Lack of sunlight can result in weak, unhealthy seedlings, so it's crucial to expose them to light as soon as they start to sprout.

Cover up tomatoes for a big reveal

Using newspapers for germinating tomato seeds is a great idea because of its lightweight nature and ability to allow water to seep through easily. This ensures that the seedlings can germinate early without getting crushed as they grow upwards. However, if newspapers are not readily available, there are alternative methods to consider in this digital age. Similar to growing microgreens, you can opt to cover the seeds with other seed starting trays that have no holes to keep them in complete darkness. Alternatively, a thin dishcloth or paper bag can also be used for this purpose.

It is crucial to keep the seeds moist throughout the germination process, so it's important to choose a covering that allows water to reach the seeds easily. If needed, the cover can be temporarily removed for watering and then replaced. Retaining the cover helps to maintain heat, but using a heat mat can also be beneficial to prevent heat loss. Providing bottom heat, especially for tomatoes, can accelerate the germination process. If bottom heat is not feasible, placing the covered seeds on a sunny window sill can also help to keep them warm.