"Discover the Enlightening World of Spirituality with Rainn Wilson's Latest Podcast!"

In "The Office" actor Rainn Wilson's new podcast "Soul Bloom," he speaks with comedians, experts and authors about creativity, spirituality and psychology.

"Discover the Enlightening World of Spirituality with Rainn Wilson's Latest Podcast!"
09 May 2024, 07:06 PM
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Rainn Wilson: A Journey to Soul Revolution

Rainn Wilson, best known for his role as Dwight Schrute on "The Office," is using his personal experiences to highlight spirituality, saying we all need a "soul revolution."

"I went through a lot of mental health crises when I was younger, and I found that turning to spiritual tools to help me on my path were incredibly valuable," Wilson said on "CBS Mornings."

His new podcast, called "Soul Bloom," is based on his New York Times bestselling book of the same name. On it, he talks with experts, comedians and authors about creativity, spirituality and psychology.

"That's the big question: 'Why is this weird sitcom actor writing about spirituality and the soul and death and the meaning of life?'" Wilson joked. "It really was because I was on death's door." 

Wilson further explained he asked himself, "why am I even here?" and "why should I be here?"

"Sometimes, when you're at that point, the greatest and deepest revelations can come to you so I decided to dig into these big questions," he said. 

Those questions included Wilson making decision about faith, consciousness and the meaning of being a human being.

"Immersing myself in the profound teachings of Buddhism and the Baha'i faith — as a devoted member of the Baha'i faith — has provided me with immense comfort and a sense of purpose in life that I deeply cherish," the accomplished actor shared.

He emphasized that as humans, our most valuable qualities include compassion, kindness, community, and collaboration, yet these virtues are often overlooked in society.

"Our current systems tend to amplify the negative aspects of humanity," Wilson expressed. "The focus on outdoing one another, betrayal, self-centeredness, and cutthroat competition highlights our worst traits, rather than our inherent strengths. True virtues lie in compassion, kindness, togetherness, and working together."

Wilson advocates for a shift in mindset and spirit.

"Regardless of our differences — whether geographical, political, or ideological — we are all spiritual beings navigating the human experience. By nurturing our capacity for empathy, we can transform society for the better. Compassion must extend beyond mere sentiment; it should drive tangible actions. Our societal structures need to be reimagined, prioritizing cooperation over profit-driven competition."

During the discussion, Wilson also hinted at the possibility of reprising his iconic role in a potential spinoff of "The Office."

"I'm always open to revisiting Dwight's character in a new context," Wilson revealed.