Discover Italy's New Opportunity: Apply for Your "Digital Nomad" Visa Now!

Italy joins a long list of countries offering foreigners the opportunity to relocate, laptops in tow.

Discover Italy's New Opportunity: Apply for Your "Digital Nomad" Visa Now!
18 Apr 2024, 10:04 PM
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Have you ever fantasized about working from the stunning Amalfi Coast? Now you can make that dream a reality with Italy's new "digital nomad" visa. This visa allows foreigners to grab their laptops and journey abroad to work remotely from one of the most picturesque locations in the world.

The Italian government officially approved the program in March 2022, and applications opened on April 5, almost two years later. By introducing this initiative, Italy joins many other countries in creating opportunities for foreign remote workers who seek to enjoy a European lifestyle while remaining employed by U.S.-based companies.

Attracting international workers can provide a significant economic boost to local communities, especially in smaller Italian towns where populations are shrinking due to aging residents. However, some experts caution that an influx of individuals earning U.S. salaries could lead to increased costs for local inhabitants who earn significantly lower wages.

These new digital nomad visas are initially valid for one year and may be extended upon renewal.

Am I eligible?

In order to be eligible for the visas, applicants must meet a range of criteria. Firstly, the worker must have the capability to perform their job remotely using a laptop or other technological tools. They must also be able to provide evidence of employment or contract work with a company based outside of Italy. Both employees of companies and freelance workers are encouraged to apply.

Candidates must possess either a college-level degree or the equivalent in job experience. Additionally, the worker must demonstrate previous experience of working remotely for a minimum of six months. There is also an income threshold of approximately $30,000 to be eligible. Moreover, individuals with a criminal conviction within the past five years are not eligible. Health insurance coverage is mandatory, and applicants must show proof of accommodation in Italy.

How do I apply?

To apply, visit the website of your local Italian consulate for specific instructions, as they may vary by location. While application forms differ by consulate, the Italian consulate in New York provides a form that requests basic information such as place of birth and passport details.

According to Italian law firm Studio Legale Metta, the application fee is slightly over $120.

Upon arrival in Italy, digital nomads must apply for a residence permit within eight days. Previously, Italy had a 90-day rule limiting visitors to stay without a work visa.