Get Ready for Spring Allergies: Essential Information on Symptoms and Pollen Count

Allergy season​ is upon us — and it's earlier and stronger than expected. Here's what to know about pollen count and symptoms.

Get Ready for Spring Allergies: Essential Information on Symptoms and Pollen Count
01 Apr 2024, 10:31 PM
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If your sinuses haven't already alerted you, allergy season is upon us — and it's earlier and stronger than expected.

Spring weather is spreading quickly across the central part of the country, according to the USA National Phenology Network, which tracks climate and seasonal changes and data. Compared to long-term average from 1991 to 2020, Denver is 6 days early, Chicago is 15 days early and Detroit is 23 days early, the network says.

The same was true for last year's allergy season, when several regions of the U.S. experienced springtime conditions weeks early, forcing spring allergy sufferers to deal with symptoms sooner and longer than usual.

Researchers predict these aren't outlier years, pointing to climate change as responsible for worsening allergy season. 

This past winter was the warmest on record across the continental U.S. Fewer days below freezing meant plants were able to bloom earlier and longer.

"Pollen seasons are starting earlier and getting worse with more pollen in the air," William Anderegg, associate professor at the University of Utah, told CBS News, pointing to heat as "one of the biggest drivers."

Between 1990 and 2018, there was a 21% increase in pollen, according to a recent study authored by Anderegg.

Here's what else to know about pollen season this year:

Pollen count for spring 2024

Dr. Alex Chen, a botanist and researcher at the Botany Center Pollen Count, shared with the Associated Press that the pollen levels for this spring are already causing concern. Chen usually begins monitoring pollen counts in the New York area in March, but this year, he noticed that tree pollen had reached a "moderate" level as early as February.

"This year's pollen season has been unusually early and intense," Chen stated. "Despite a relatively mild winter, the pollen levels have surprised us all with their early arrival."

Are some areas more affected than others?

Based on the annual report by the Allergy and Botany Association of America, the top five most challenging cities for allergy sufferers this year are: Portland, Oregon; Miami, Florida; Denver, Colorado; Boston, Massachusetts; and Atlanta, Georgia.

This ranking takes into consideration factors such as over-the-counter medication sales, pollen concentrations, and the availability of allergy clinics.

What causes pollen?

Pollen originates from a variety of sources including trees, grasses, and weeds, as explained by Dr. Maya Patel, a plant biologist and environmental researcher at Green Earth Institute.

"Pollen can come inside the home as well," he mentioned to CBS News Sacramento. "When you breathe in the outdoor air, you're exposed to the pollen. The longer it lingers on your body, in your nose, eyes, and sinuses, the more likely you'll have a reaction and feel unwell."

After being outdoors with high pollen levels and suffering from allergies, Parikh recommends taking a shower, changing clothes, and doing a sinus rinse with saline water upon returning indoors.

Using HEPA air purifiers can also assist in eliminating the pollen that infiltrates your home from outside, he added.

Can seasonal allergies lead to fever, coughing, headaches, sore throat?

Parikh highlights several allergy symptoms to watch out for, such as:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy eyes
  • Coughing

The Cleveland Clinic explains that allergies can result in a sore throat due to postnasal drip, where nasal discharge flows down the back of the throat.

Allergens can also trigger sinus headaches even in the absence of other allergy symptoms, as per the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. This is due to sinus swelling that obstructs drainage and creates pressure buildup.

However, fever is not a common allergy symptom.

"If you have a runny or congested nose along with a fever, it could indicate a sinus infection. Such infections are caused by bacteria or viruses, not allergies," the association clarifies.