Say Goodbye to Annoying Aphids with This Genius Hack

If you're dealing with an aphid infestation on one or more of your plants, use this brilliant and affordable trap to get rid of the pests easily.

Say Goodbye to Annoying Aphids with This Genius Hack
26 Dec 2023, 09:49 PM
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When it comes to gardening, dealing with pests is just part of the process. One common pest that can cause damage to plants is the aphid. These tiny insects gather on the undersides of leaves and feed on the plant's tissue, leaving behind brown, lifeless leaves. If left unchecked, aphids can quickly take over your garden and destroy your plants. While the traditional method of using water to remove aphids can be effective, it can be time-consuming for large infestations. Instead, try using yellow pans filled with salt water as a trap. Aphids are attracted to the color yellow, so this simple trick can help eliminate them easily.

Set up yellow traps for those pesky aphids

Conducting diagnostics on aphid-infested plants isn't hard to do. Although these pests are super small, their presence in large numbers is easy to identify. Most aphids are known to be green, but they are made up of different species, which come in other colors, such as red, brown, or even black. They live in clusters underneath leaves and produce sticky honeydew, which attracts sooty mold. Rather than waste gallons of water by shooting them with heavy jets, you can take advantage of their color preference. Aphids have a particular propensity for the color yellow and often go for yellow leaves. By setting a yellow trap, you can save water and time by letting them deal with themselves.

In a 2023 study looking at the techniques involved in trapping crop pests, researchers opined that aphids are attracted to the color yellow either because the color reflectance of plants looks yellow to the insects or because the color resembles weak plants that are perfect for consumption. Discovering a few aphids in your garden is hardly a cause for alarm, but larger colonies should be taken seriously. You don't want anything devastating your hard work.

Controlling Aphids in Your Garden

Dealing with aphids in your garden doesn't have to be a difficult task. There are simple and effective methods you can use to control these pesky insects.

One easy method is to set up yellow traps. Take a shallow dish and paint it yellow. Fill the dish with salt water and place it near the infested plant. The aphids will be attracted to the yellow color and fall into the dish, thinking it's a flower. Once enough aphids have gathered in the dish, dispose of it and replace it with a new one. You can also create a sticky trap using Post-It notes. Apply petroleum jelly to the notes and leave them in the area where aphids are present. The aphids will get stuck to the sticky surface and be unable to escape.

Heavy infestations may need to be pruned

Aphids typically do not cause significant harm to your garden. However, in cases of heavy infestations, pruning may be necessary. If aphids have taken over your fruit trees and multiplied rapidly, it may be necessary to prune off the affected branches or twigs.

Pruning helps improve the overall appearance of your plants and prevents the eggs from hatching. When pruning, be careful not to remove too much as this can encourage new growth, which aphids are attracted to. Avoid pruning close to the growing season in early spring to minimize the risk of attracting more aphids.