Controversial Statement: Trump's Shocking Accusation - Immigrants Allegedly "Poisoning the Blood of Our Country"

"They're poisoning the blood of our country," former President Trump said of undocumented migrants at a rally in Durham, New Hampshire, Saturday.

Controversial Statement: Trump's Shocking Accusation - Immigrants Allegedly "Poisoning the Blood of Our Country"
18 Dec 2023, 11:31 PM
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Former President Donald Trump, the leading candidate in the Republican primary, has once again targeted immigrants with his remarks during campaign stops over the weekend. Critics have compared his rhetoric to that of Nazi leader Adolph Hitler.

Ammar Moussa, spokesperson for the Biden-Harris campaign, expressed concern over Trump's remarks, stating, "Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler, praised Kim Jong Un, and quoted Vladimir Putin while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy."

During a rally in Durham, New Hampshire on Saturday, Trump made derogatory comments about undocumented migrants, claiming they are "poisoning the blood of our country" and coming from various regions around the world.

While some Republicans, including Trump ally Sen. Lindsey Graham, dismissed the remark, Democrats were not the only ones critical of Trump's statements.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also questioned the need for such discussions, asking, "Why are we in a situation where we're even having those discussions?"

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Criticizes Trump's Fitness for Presidency

During an interview with "Face the Nation" moderator Margaret Brennan, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie expressed his disbelief at the idea of Donald Trump being fit to be president of the United States.

Christie stated, "I don't know how you could take someone like that and say that they're fit to be president of the United States."

His comments came in response to Trump's recent remarks regarding immigrants.

While some GOP members have endorsed Trump, others have criticized his rhetoric. Texas Rep. Tony Gonzales, who has endorsed Trump, spoke out against his comments on immigration.

Gonzales said, "I think immigrants are the lifeblood of our country, and it's important that we have immigrants."

Trump's remarks have drawn comparisons to Adolf Hitler, who used the term "blood poisoning" in his manifesto "Mein Kampf" to criticize the mixing of races.

"The origin of these individuals is a complete mystery," stated Trump in an interview with The National Pulse, a right-wing website, in September. "We have evidence that they come from prisons, mental institutions, and even islands that harbor terrorists. This is an unprecedented situation that is deeply saddening for our country. It is infecting the very core of our nation. They are bringing in diseases and all sorts of problems."

CBS News has reached out to the Trump campaign for a response to the backlash surrounding these comments.

In a speech in November, held in New Hampshire, Trump used language reminiscent of Hitler and fascist Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. He vowed to "eliminate the communists, Marxists, fascists, and radical left thugs that infest our country like vermin."

Trump continued, "The real threat comes from within, not from external forces. Our greatest threat is from within."

During a town hall in Iowa hosted by Fox News in December, Trump made a statement implying that he would act like a dictator if reelected. Fox News anchor Sean Hannity repeatedly questioned Trump about whether he would abuse his power and use the government to target individuals.

"Are you assuring America tonight that you would never abuse your power as a means of retaliation against anyone?" Hannity asked.

"Except for Day One," Trump responded.

Trump, if re-elected in 2024, has promised to make significant changes to U.S. immigration policy. He plans to carry out mass deportations, complete the construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall, end birthright citizenship for undocumented immigrants' children, implement "strong ideological screening" for those entering the country, and reinstate the "Muslim ban."

During an event in Reno, Nevada, Trump reiterated these promises and expressed his intention to deploy "massive portions of law enforcement" to militarize the U.S.-Mexico border.

"Just like three years ago, we will put an end to the invasion," Trump stated. "We must prioritize the protection of our own borders."

Interestingly, two of the three women Trump has been married to are immigrants who eventually became U.S. citizens. Former first lady Melania Trump recently participated in a naturalization ceremony.